Sammamish Family Law

Get Help From A Sammamish Divorce Lawyer Who Will Fight to Protect Your Interests

Nobody gets married thinking that one day it will end in divorce, but it's an inescapable reality of life for many couples. Most people aren't fully prepared for the divorce process, and many constantly worry about what will happen when their divorce is finalized. You may be asking:

  • How will property be divided between me and my spouse?
  • Will I have to move out of my home?
  • Who will get custody of my kids?
  • Will I have to make alimony payments for the rest of my life?
  • Does the government make decisions regarding my family?
  • How will I pay for my kid's needs if my spouse was the primary wage earner?

These are just a few of the many questions you may have regarding divorce. Answers will eventually come, but in the meantime it's important to talk about your situation with a qualified Sammamish divorce lawyer and get facts based on family law.

For instance, if you were served with divorce papers from your spouse, it's highly likely that they have already petitioned the court for temporary support, temporary custody of your kids, or both. You have to responds to these motions or they will likely be approved without any of your input. We realize that this may not be easy. The prospect of getting a divorce may be personally devastating, but you have to act in your own best interests, and the best interests of your children. One of our Sammamish divorce attorneys can help.

If you and your spouse believe that divorce is your best options, agree on many of the details, and are looking for a faster, more affordable option, then you may want to consider an uncontested divorce. If you are considering filing for a divorce and are just in the process of gathering facts, remember that our professional litigators offer a free consultation to anyone living in Sammamish. If you have questions about divorce or some other family law issue, we are ready to help you take the next step.

Sammamish, Washington, the King County Family Court, and You

Sammamish is a city in King County with a population of nearly 65,000. It wasn't always this way because the region was mostly rural until becoming more of a suburb in the 1970s. Sammamish wasn't incorporated until 1999, making it a relative municipal newcomer in the State of Washington. The city is known for being friendly, and was actually named the “Friendliest City In America” by Forbes Magazine. It also is listed as one of the best places to live in the United States, which is pretty nice designation for any town. If you would like to learn more about the friendly local government, check out the user-friendly Sammamish municipal website .

Maybe people are friendlier in Sammamish because there are so many fun things to do outdoors. Soaring Eagle Park is probably the most popular local place to go for a nature walk. Lake Sammamish State Park has two lakefront beaches where you and the family can enjoy swimming, kayaking, or simply laying out in the sun (when it's visible). There is great freshwater fishing in the lake, and an annual event called the Parkadilly Fair. For information on the park, check out their website .

No matter how friendly everyone in your town may be, it won't prevent a bad marriage from failing. Sometimes your best option is to seek out a divorce, and for that you'll have to deal with the King County Family Court . For now, it's important to educate yourself about the law. Next, talk to a Sammamish divorce lawyers about your situation so that they can offer you sound legal advice. No divorce is easy, but it's a lot easier when you know what to expect.

Common Issues That Divorcing Couples in Sammamish Must Face

Your situation is unique, and how your divorce is resolved depends on a number of factors. Still, most divorcing couples face similar issues involving the division of assets, child custody, child support, and alimony. Common family law issues unrelated (or related) to divorce may include adoption, support modifications, and issues involving paternity. Your King County divorce lawyer can help you address any of these issues, offering you years of experience and dedication to the law. Until you speak with a qualified attorney, you have time to review the following information about common family law issues.

Child custody is one issue that few parents are eager to confront. Still, it's the most important part of any divorce for anyone with kids. A divorce means making huge adjustments in your daily life because you will probably go days at a time without having contact with your children. Some parents who are more than ready to divorce aren't ready to make this sacrifice, and it can make divorce negotiations difficult or impossible. The court expects divorcing couples to craft a parenting plan that they will then approve, but if they are unable to do so then the court has no other choice than to decide questions of custody.

We believe this should be avoided whenever possible, because you know more about your kids than any stranger. We urge clients to set aside their animosity toward their ex partner and work to create a fair parenting plan based on all pertinent factors. If your former spouse and their lawyer refuse to act in a fair way, we will not back down from a fight all the way into the courtroom. You must also be willing to make concessions at times, so the advice our Sammamish child custody lawyers offer may not be what you want to hear, but it will be based on decades of combined legal experience.

Child support is calculated by plugging certain variables into a schedule to determine how much monthly payments will be. These payments are most often made to the parent with primary custody. Other factors may influence this number. For example, the child may have certain health or educational needs that require additional funds.

Our Sammamish child support lawyers can also help you start collecting monthly payments from a deadbeat dad. If they claim they are not the father, we have legal tools at our disposal that will require they take a DNA test to either confirm or deny paternity. If they are the father of your child, we will then pursue support on your behalf.

Spousal Maintenance is also called alimony in the state of Washington, and it's most often paid to a former spouse by the person who was the primary household wage earner. The duration of the payments will usually be based on a 1 to 3 ratio of years spent married, so a 15 year marriage would lead to 5 years of alimony payments. If the marriage lasted 25 years or more, the payments will only end if the recipient dies or remarries. The dollar amount of alimony payments are based on a variety of factors, so talk to one of our Sammamish spousal maintenance attorneys if you have questions about this issue.

Divorce for men – If you're a man who's been served with divorce papers, or your considering filing for divorce, you may be concerned about whether you will be treated fairly. Fathers are especially concerned about fair treatment in family court when it comes to child custody issues. While the court is supposed to treat mothers and fathers as equals, it's always important to protect your legal rights. Our Sammamish divorce for men lawyers will make sure your interests are protected at all times.

Protection orders and restraining orders are used to stop abuse, and they are almost always effective. Still, many abused spouses are apprehensive about taking this action because they fear reprisal. Our Sammamish divorce attorneys have been practicing divorce and criminal law for many years, and we can tell you that this option really works. If you're ready to put a stop to abuse, contact us immediately for a confidential consultation.

Modifications of support are sometimes necessary to relieve financial burden or because there's been some change in lifestyle that warrants such an action. It's necessary to prove to the court that this action is necessary and that will require evidence. You can just claim that your ex partner is making a lot more money at their new job and then ask that your child support payments be reduced. However, one of our Sammamish support modification lawyers can petition the court on your behalf.

There are many other family law issues we handle for client's, and we can do the same for you. If you're ready to take the next step, consider the following.

We Offer a Free Consultation to Anyone Living in Sammamish

Our King County divorce lawyers understand that family law issues and divorces are hard on everyone. This is why we take a compassionate approach to our job. We also offer a free consultation, so you can start getting answers needed to make decisions that will impact your life for many years to come.

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